Guest Code of Conduct

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Guest Code of Conduct

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The Northern Wisconsin State Fairgrounds, Fair Hill Campground, and the events affiliated with it, are committed to creating a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable entertainment experience for its guests. To achieve this goal, we ask that our guests conduct themselves respectfully and in accordance with the terms of this Code of Conduct.

For the enjoyment and safety of all, all guests are expected to follow the guidelines below:
  • Guests shall be treated in a consistent, professional and courteous manner by all Northern Wisconsin State Fairgrounds personnel.
  • Guests shall wear appropriate attire at all times, including shoes and shirts, and there shall not be any obscene or indecent messages on clothing.
  • Guests shall consume alcoholic beverages in designated areas in a responsible manner. Intervention with an impaired, intoxicated or underage guest, shall be handled in a prompt and safe manner.
  • Guests shall enjoy the Fair free from disruptive behavior, including foul or offensive language or obscene gestures.
  • Guests shall not engage in activities that could endanger others, including but not limited to loitering or behaving in a way that is (i) unruly, disruptive, disorderly, intimidating, or harmful; (ii) in violation of NWSF and Fair Hill regulations (where the campground is part of a grounds); or (iii) in violation of any laws or regulations. Guests who engage in any of these actions shall immediately be ejected from the Fairgrounds.
  • Guests shall smoke in designated areas only. Smoking is prohibited inside all Fairgrounds buildings and within 25 feet of any building entrance.
  • Guests shall comply with requests from NWSF staff regarding operations and emergency response procedures.
  • Guests shall not damage NWSF property or premises (including surrounding property or premises such as the parking areas).
  • Guests shall not carry, display or use any real or simulated weapons of any kind (including toy guns or other weapons), except as may be permitted by law.
  • Guests should be able to produce a correct ticket upon request and sit in their assigned seat or location at a paid event; and
  • Guests should respect or observe NWSF's accessibility policies, including the refusal to relocate from companion seating to accommodate guests with disabilities or their companion(s).
  • Guests are responsible for all of their belongings before leaving the premises. NWSF is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Northern Wisconsin State Fairgrounds staff have been trained to intervene when necessary to help ensure that the above expectations are met, and guests are encouraged to report any inappropriate behavior to the nearest staff member. Guests who choose not to adhere to these provisions shall be subject to ejection without refund and may also be in violation of state law or city ordinances resulting in possible arrest and/or prosecution.

The Northern Wisconsin State Fairgrounds and Fair Hill Campground reserve the right to remove any displays or items that could be considered objectionable or offensive to fellow guests. We are committed to hosting events and experiences that are welcoming to all.


For the safety and convenience of all guests, every person and vehicle on the premises is subject to search at the event. This search may include the use of hand searches of individuals and carried items. Any item or property that could affect the safety of the event, its occupants or its property shall not be permitted into the grounds. NWSF reserves the right to prohibit or require the removal of any items at their sole and absolute discretion. Any person that could affect the safety of the event, its occupants, or its property will be denied entry.

Conduct deemed by NWSF to be inappropriate to the peace and good order of events or which may adversely affect the safety of others or their property will be immediately addressed by our staff. Event patrons are responsible for their conduct as well as the conduct of their guests and/or persons in their company. Event patrons and guests who violate the code of conduct will be subject to ejection without refund. Guests are encouraged to report any violations of this code of conduct to a staff member or Security guard.

Public and private security and professional medical staff are present throughout our events. If you need assistance, please look for a medical or information tent, or seek out a staff member.

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